자유 게시판

SDL Passolo 2018 Build 소식

2021.10.22 12:50

풍경소리 조회:260





SDL Passolo 2018 Cumulative Update 14 (Build, published on 6 October 2021)

SDL Passolo Cumulative Update 14 contains all previous enhancements and hotfixes as well as the following new ones:

  • Licenses for the upcoming Passolo 2022 major release (tentatively scheduled for release in November 2021) can now be used to activate Passolo 2018 to allow a smooth migration to Passolo 2022 when it becomes available.
  • Passolo has been updated to support the TLS 1.2 protocol when connecting to our back-end systems. This affects the following areas:
    • Activating licenses with our licensing back-end system using the TLS 1.2 protocol. You must update to this cumulative update to be able to activate Passolo. (CRQ-25550)
    • Connecting to our Language Cloud platform. (CRQ-24010)
    • Using MS Translator for translation. (CRQ-23921)
    • Connecting to SFTP servers for synchronization. (CRQ-22065)
  • Fixed a crash occurring when adding a target path rule after adding files. (CRQ-25642)
  • Updated the Passolo 2018 Visual C++ 2010 redistributable to use the latest version and correct download. (CRQ-24087)
  • Fixed a crash when updating the source string list of a .NET project. (CRQ-20961)


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