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유틸리티 7-Zip 21.02 alpha (2021-05-06) 포터블
2021.05.07 00:12
시스템에 맞게 7-Zip_x64 또는 7-Zip_x86을 선택하셔서 사용하시면 됩니다.
21.02 alpha 2021-05-06
- 7-Zip now writes additional field for filename in UTF-8 encoding to zip archives.
It allows to extract correct file name from zip archives on different systems.
- The command line version of 7-Zip for macOS was released.
- The speed for LZMA and LZMA2 decompression in arm64 versions for macOS and Linux
was increased by 20%-60%.
- Some changes and improvements in ZIP, TAR and NSIS code.