질문과 답변

윈 도 우 PE 시작메뉴 중 일부를 지우고 싶어요

2021.03.28 09:20

do98 조회:520



pe 만드는 것에 관심이 생겨서 빌드해 봤는데 해결을 못하고 있는 부분이 있어 질문합니다.


Win10XPE 다운받아 winbuilder로 빌드하고 만들어진 pe로 부팅했습니다. 아래 그림에서

시작 - 모든 프로그램 - Window 관리도구 <- 노란색의 폴더를 통채로 없애고 싶은데 방법을 모르겠습니다.


windows 관리도구.png


탐색기로 경로를 따라가 보면

X:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools


Start Menu\Programs 에는 프로그램들과(노란색 폴더 위에 있는 프로그램들) Window 관리 도구까지 모두 있는데

Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools 에는

Memory Diagnostics Tool 이것도 없고 Registry Editor 이것도 없고 달랑 desktop.ini 하나만 있습니다.


desktop.ini 열어보면 아래 두 줄만 있습니다.




7Z으로 boot.wim 압축 열어서 경로를 따라가 봤지만 여기는 아무 것도 없는 텅빈 폴더로 나옵니다.

D:\WinXPE\ISO\sources\boot.wim\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\



혹시 도움이 될까 해서 아래에 pecmd.ini 내용도 첨부합니다.


pecmd.ini 내용과 위 그림이 다른 점은,


시작메뉴-그림판 안 열려서 [pinutil]에서 지우고 픽픽 설치하고 위의 사진 찍었고,

시작-모든 프로그램-레지스트리 메뉴 와 window 관리도구-Registry editer 중복이라 레지스트리 메뉴 앞에 // 넣어 실행 안되게 하고,

시작메뉴-Bootice [pinutil]에 추가했고,


이렇게 세 가지만 다르고 나머지는 위 사진과 pecmd.ini 는 동일합니다.


그림판이 왜 안 열리는 지도 궁금하긴 합니다.

그래도 일단 위 사진의 노란색 폴더 window 관리도구를 먼저 없애고 싶어요.


긴 글 읽어 주셔서 감사하고 아래로도 또 더 긴 글 읽게 만들어서 미안합니다.






// Pecmd launched from : RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,Tmp_System\Setup,CmdLine,"Pecmd.exe Main #$pWindir#$p\System32\Pecmd.ini"


LOGS %WinDir%\System32\Pecmd.log



CALL PreShell

CALL Shortcuts

//CALL PinTo

CALL LoadShell

CALL PostShell

CALL AudioInit

//CALL NetInit

//TIPS The Configuration is Finished.,,1,#1

//WAIT 3000







// 해상도



// 키보드 Numlock 켜기 (changed to "NUMK 0" NumLock OFF if selected)



// 바탕화면 배경사진

LOGO %WinDir%\web\wallpaper\Windows\img0.jpg


// 시작 메세지

//TEXT 1809 x64#0xFFFFFF L400 T39 $200*

TEXT Welcome, the Configuration is in Progress...#0xFFFFFF L59 T39 $20*





_SUB PreShell


// winpeshl.ini with [LaunchApps] wpeinit.exe

//EXEC %WinDir%\System32\winpeshl.exe


// LetterSwap

//EXEC =!%WinDir%\System32\LetterSwap.exe /auto /bootdrive Y:\CDUsb.y /Log %Temp%\LetterSwap.log


// Fix Screen resolution and Show Desktop. NoWait Hide

EXEC !%WinDir%\System32\FixScreen.exe


// Load and install oem* drivers in background before shell

//EXEC @!%WinDir%\System32\pnputil.exe /add-driver %WinDir%\inf\oem*.inf /install


// Load Users Drivers from Y before shell in background (Uncommented By User Option)

//EXEC @!%WinDir%\System32\pnputil.exe /add-driver Y:\Drivers\*.inf /subdirs


// Load external Autorun.cmd or PecmdStartup.ini to run program, Install external drivers, keyboard,...

//IFEX Y:\XPEStartup.ini,LOAD Y:\XPEStartup.ini

//IFEX Y:\XPEStartup.cmd,EXEC Y:\XPEStartup.cmd


// Install ImDisk Ramdisk in background (Uncommented if "Imdisk ramdisk" selected). Not to be changed, Replace //EXEC by //=EXEC

//EXEC @!%WinDir%\System32\StartImDIsk.exe 50 % B: R_SUB Shortcuts



// 시작메뉴 등록


LINK %Programs%\Display설정,%ProgramFiles%\WinXShell\WinXShell.exe,-ui -jcfg wxsUI\UI_Resolution.zip,%ProgramFiles%\WinXShell\wxsUI\display.ico

LINK %Programs%\Wifi,%ProgramFiles%\WinXShell\WinXShell.exe,-ui -jcfg wxsUI\UI_WIFI.zip\main.jcfg -theme dark,%ProgramFiles%\WinXShell\wxsUI\wifi.ico

LINK %Programs%\SystemInfo,%ProgramFiles%\WinXShell\WinXShell.exe,-ui -jcfg wxsUI\UI_SystemInfo.zip,%ProgramFiles%\WinXShell\wxsUI\MyPC.ico

LINK %Programs%\Volume,%ProgramFiles%\WinXShell\WinXShell.exe,-ui -jcfg wxsUI\UI_Volume.zip\main.jcfg,%ProgramFiles%\WinXShell\wxsUI\Volume.ico

LINK %Programs%\시스템설정,%ProgramFiles%\WinXShell\WinXShell.exe,-ui -jcfg wxsUI\UI_Settings.zip,%ProgramFiles%\WinXShell\wxsUI\settings.ico

LINK %Programs%\Services,%WinDir%\System32\services.msc

LINK %Programs%\MSinfo32,%WinDir%\System32\msinfo32.exe

LINK %Programs%\System복구,%SystemDrive%\sources\recovery\recenv.exe

LINK %Programs%\1-Network초기화,%WinDir%\System32\InitializeNetwork.cmd,,%WinDir%\System32\shell32.dll#164

LINK %Programs%\2-방화벽 On,%WinDir%\System32\EnableFirewall.cmd,,%WinDir%\System32\shell32.dll#135

LINK %Programs%\3-방화벽 Off,%WinDir%\System32\DisableFirewall.cmd,,%WinDir%\System32\shell32.dll#135

//LINK %Programs%\레지스트리,%WinDir%\regedit.exe





_SUB PinTo


//PINT xxx.exe,StartMenu (does not work with SIB)

// Examples here. It is done with PinUtil, see the section below

//PINT %WinDir%\System32\cmd.exe,TaskBand

//PINT %Programs%\Explorer.lnk,TaskBand

//PINT %ProgramFiles%\Q-Dir\Q-Dir.exe,TaskBand





_SUB LoadShell


//EXEC Y:\Programs\ProcessMonitor_x64\Procmon.exe


// Enable ctfmon: Alternative User Input Text Input Processor (TIP) (Uncommented for Chinese and Korean windows source). Not to be changed, Replace //EXEC by //=EXEC

// 한영전환

EXEC %WinDir%\System32\ctfmon.exe


KILL explorer.exe

SHEL %WinDir%\explorer.exe

//SHEL %ProgramFiles%\WinXShell\WinXShell.exe -winpe





_SUB PostShell



// EXEC  = Wait, @background, ! Hide. ex: EXEC =WaitNoHide.cmd, EXEC @!=WaitHide.cmd, EXEC NoWaitNoHide.cmd, EXEC @!NoWaitHide.cmd


// Hide start menu Startup folders

EXEC !%WinDir%\System32\attrib.exe +s +h "X:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup"

EXEC !%WinDir%\System32\attrib.exe +s +h "X:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup"


// Remove desktop.ini

IFEX %Desktop%\desktop.ini,FILE %Desktop%\desktop.ini

IFEX X:\Users\Default\Desktop\desktop.ini,FILE X:\Users\Default\Desktop\desktop.ini

IFEX X:\Users\Public\Desktop\desktop.ini,FILE X:\Users\Public\Desktop\desktop.ini

IFEX X:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\desktop.ini,FILE X:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\desktop.ini


// Load drivers(노트북용)

//DEVI %WinDir%\inf\battery.inf

//DEVI %WinDir%\inf\usbport.inf


// PinUtil must be Launched after Explorer. To bypass Windows restrictions, use symbolic links for programs on Y: removable drive

IFEX B:\,IFEX Y:\Programs\,EXEC =@%WinDir%\System32\Cmd.exe /C Mklink /D B:\Programs Y:\Programs

EXEC %WinDir%\System32\PinUtil.exe Config %Windir%\System32\Pecmd.ini


// Show OSK TabletMode Button (Uncommented if "Show Touch Keyboard Button" enabled). Not to be changed, Replace //LINK EXEC %WinDir%\System32\OskTray.exe\OskTray.exe





_SUB AudioInit


//SERV -wait Audiosrv (audio service already started)

// Install HDAudio driver sound cards

DEVI %WinDir%\inf\hdaudio.inf

WAIT 250


// Adjust the volume (windows default 67%) ex: 65535*33% = 21626 (Uncommented if mute is not selected). Volume changed according to "System Volume At Startup" interEXEC=!%WinDir%\System32\nircmd.exe setsysvolume 13107volume 21626


// Play Startup sound (Commented if mute is selected)

EXEC @!%WinDir%\System32\mpg123.exe -q %SystemRoot%\Media\startup.mp3


// Start NonVisual Desktop Access after Audio (Uncommented By NVDA Plugin)

//EXEC @!%WinDir%\System32\NVDA_Startup.cmd





_SUB NetInit


// Load Network drivers at startup

EXEC =@!%WinDir%\System32\Drvload.exe %WinDir%\inf\athw8x.inf %WinDir%\inf\netathr10x.inf %WinDir%\inf\netathrx.inf %WinDir%\inf\netbc63a.inf %WinDir%\inf\netbc64.inf %WinDir%\inf\netrtwlane.inf %WinDir%\inf\netrtwlane_13.inf %WinDir%\inf\netrtwlanu.inf %WinDir%\inf\netwbw02.inf %WinDir%\inf\netwew00.inf %WinDir%\inf\netwew01.inf %WinDir%\inf\netwlan92de.inf %WinDir%\inf\netwlv64.inf %WinDir%\inf\netwns64.inf %WinDir%\inf\netwsw00.inf %WinDir%\inf\netwtw02.inf %WinDir%\inf\netwtw04.inf %WinDir%\inf\netwtw06.inf




EXEC @!%WinDir%\System32\Net.exe Start Wlansvc

EXEC @!%WinDir%\System32\Net.exe Start WinHttpAutoProxySvc


// LaunchEXEC X:\Program Files\PENetwork_x64\PENetwork.exeENetwork.exe


// Remote Desktop Server Connect (Uncommented By RDC Plugin)

//EXEC @!%WinDir%\System32\mstsc.exe /v:







TaskBar0=X:\Program Files\PENetwork_x64\PENetwork.exe

TaskBar1=X:\Program Files\Q-Dir\Q-Dir_x64.exe

TaskBar2=X:\Program Files\Google Chrome_x64\Chrome.exe




StartMenu2=X:\Program Files\7-Zip_x64\7zFM.exe

StartMenu3=X:\Program Files\Bootice\Bootice1.3.3.exe

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