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Windows Vista SP1 RC Preview is Now Available for Download!

2007.11.16 08:50

지나가다 조회:6776

아래와 같은 메일이 왔네요..
파일 크기는 890MB 정도이고 기존에 설치한 SP1은 삭제 후 아래에서 받은 파일을 설치해야만 하네요.

설치 화면이 약간 변경된 듯...

We are excited to announce that the Windows Vista SP1 Release Candidate (RC) Preview build is now available for download!
Thank you for your feedback thus far; it is an invaluable part of our beta program. In this build, you will see many elements of your feedback have been incorporated.
Please download the Windows SP1 RC Preview and continue to test SP1 aggressively.

Here are links to the main downloads. You may navigate to additional options via Connect and the Downloads link in the left-hand navigation pane.

Windows Vista SP1 RC Preview (6001-17042-071107-1618) Update for X86 and X64 UPD All Languages

Uninstall Instructions for Windows Vista
Windows Vista SP1 does not support build-to-build upgrades. Therefore, if you have installed a previously release build on your machine, you have to uninstall this old build before installing the next build of Windows Vista SP1.

Prerequisite packages (KB935509, KB937287 and KB938371) for Windows Vista SP1 are permanent and uninstall of these packages is disabled by design. During the installation of Windows Vista SP1, the installer detects the version of the prerequisite package on your machine and updates the package if required.

Here are the steps on how to uninstall Windows Vista SP1 from your machine:

1. Click on the Start Menu and go to Control Panel
2. Double click on Programs and Features
3. On the left side menu, select View Installed Updates
4. Under the list of Microsoft Windows, select Service Pack for Windows (KB936330)
5. On the top menu, click on Uninstall
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