서버 / IT WIN2008 에서 NERO 10 설치
2010.10.19 20:35
안녕 하세요.
모처럼 WIN2008을 받아서 설치를 하니 좋네요!
그런데 문제가 하나 있습니다.
WIN2008에서 NERO 10번젼을 설치를 하고 싶은 데.
설치가 되지 않네요.
WIN2008 에서 NERO 10 을 설치 방법을 알고 싶습니다
WIN7 64 에서는 했는 데 WIN2008 에서는 설치를 못하는 이유를 모르겠습니다.
WIN2008을 NERO 때문에 포기를 해야 하나요?
댓글 [2]
내마음대롬 2010.10.21 09:52
jeong109 2011.02.14 21:29 아래와 같이 조치하라는군요................
I have to correct the last entry. If you delete all rows from the LaunchCondition table,
the installer will complain that it cannot SELECT from the LaunchCondition table. Instead, you have to modify this condition:Not (Version9X Or VersionNT<=500 Or (VersionNT=501 And ServicePackLevel<3) Or (VersionNT=502 And ServicePackLevel<3) Or (VersionNT=600 And Not ServicePackLevel) Or Not MsiNTProductType=1)
to this:
Not (Version9X Or VersionNT<=500 Or (VersionNT=501 And ServicePackLevel<3) Or (VersionNT=502 And ServicePackLevel<3) Or (VersionNT=600 And Not ServicePackLevel))
You have to do this for all of the msi files.
(The bold sequence ensures that the installer will run only on workstations -
MsiNTProductType is 2 for a domain controller, and 3 for a regular server.)Otherwise, the step-by-step instructions are the following:
1.Start the installer.
2.When it displays the dialog that Nero cannot be installed on Windows Server 2008 R2, do the following:
1.Locate the Nero installer content in the Local Settings\Temp folder in the current user profile
(the folder name is a generated one containing the "NERO" string somewhere). The folder is about 1.4 GB in size.
2.Copy that content to a different folder.
3.Click Ok to close the installer.
3.Install the Orca MSI editor, if it's not installed yet (part of Windows SDK, so it's freely available,
I enclosed it for convenience), then run it.
4.Open the master and child msi files one by one, and edit the condition according to what is mentioned above
(the LaunchCondition table is in the list on the left, if you click on it, on the right you will see usually only a single row,
except the DiskCopyGadget, where there are two rows - that tool can be installed only on 32-bit systems).
5.Start the installer. It could be possible that the master installer runs into an infinite loop (that happened on my machine);
in this case run the child installers one after one. When you do the installation with the child installers,
after installing the tools, don't forget to add the Nero serial by using Nero ControlCenter.
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호환성으로도 설치안되시면 프로그램자체에서 지원을안해서 설치가 안될지도요..
지원을 하는지 알아보세요