유틸리티 Everything
2020.07.24 02:32
7월 23일자 Everything 버전입니다.
설치형과 포터블 각각 64비트와 32비트 모두 다국어 지원 버전으로 올립니다.
버전 히스토리
Thursday, 23 July 2020: Version
* Fixed an issue with excluding filenames with 4-byte UTF-8 characters.
* Fixed an issue with -focus-result command line options.
* Fixed an issue with \\.\c: service access
* Fixed an issue with db corruption from duplicated filenames.
* Fixed a corrupt db issue when re-scanning duplicated files.
* Compiled with /DYNAMICBASE
* Compiled with /NXCOMPAT
* Fixed an issue with Ctrl + Tab.
* Fixed issues with starting a rename while there was a mouse capture.
* Fixed issues with the hide_on_close setting.
* Fixed an issue with processing command line options from multiple instances.
* Fixed an issue with copying results to the clipboard.
Monday, 16 March 2020: Version
* removed a call to OpenFileByID causing Windows Explorer to stop updating.
다운로드; https://www.voidtools.com/ko-kr/downloads/
좋은자료 감사합니다.. 즐겁고 행복한 시간 되세요♡