자 료 실
유틸리티 8GadgetPack v29.0
2019.05.27 23:57
5월 24일자 8GadgetPack v29.0입니다.
v29.0 히스토리
* 오래된 가젯 업데이트
* 윈도우 10 1903 대응 등
2019-05-24: Version 29.0 released.
Updated all outdated gadgets. Added compatibility with Windows 10 1903 (7 Sidebar emulates the white theme if enabled). Added CPU Usage Monitor for each gadget (see FAQ). Several bugfixes in 7 Sidebar and Clipboarder. Added two small gadgets: Breathe and Pomodoro. Simplified some internal javascript files to prevent false anti-virus warnings. Some bugfixes in the installer and uninstaller.
다운로드; https://8gadgetpack.net/dl290/8GadgetPackSetup.msi