질문과 답변

윈 도 우 제 게정을 해킹 했다고 영문 이메일이 왔습니다

2018.09.29 03:14

JeongK 조회:1379

제 네이버 메일 주소와 비번이 적혀있습니다.
어떤 사이트가 해킹 당했는지 모르겠습니다
웹캠을 찍은적은 없고 동영상을 본것이 다입니다
비번은 중요사이트에서는 사용하지 않는것입니다
어떻게 대처 해야 될까요

아래 원문 내용입니다

I'm a member of an international hacker group.

As you could probably have guessed, your account kyun2k@naver.com was hacked, because I sent message you from it.

Now I have access to you accounts!
For example, your password for kyun2k@naver.com is jeong7608k

Within a period from July 7, 2018 to September 23, 2018, you were infected by the virus we've created, through an adult website you've visited.
So far, we have access to your messages, social media accounts, and messengers.
Moreover, we've gotten full damps of these data.

We are aware of your little and big secrets...yeah, you do have them. We saw and recorded your doings on porn websites. Your tastes are so weird, you know..

But the key thing is that sometimes we recorded you with your webcam, syncing the recordings with what you watched!
I think you are not interested show this video to your friends, relatives, and your intimate one...

Transfer $700 to our Bitcoin wallet: 18QGMXBte2fVodcq9xCwvPWiBEd98LwHwS
If you don't know about Bitcoin please input in Google "buy BTC". It's really easy.

I guarantee that after that, we'll erase all your "data" :D

A timer will start once you read this message. You have 48 hours to pay the above-mentioned amount.

Your data will be erased once the money are transferred.
If they are not, all your messages and videos recorded will be automatically sent to all your contacts found on your devices at the moment of infection.

You should always think about your security. We hope this case will teach you to keep secrets.
Take care of yourself.

번호 제목 글쓴이 조회 등록일
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