자 료 실

미디어 LAV Filters 0.72

2018.06.20 12:34

산이술 조회:1307 추천:5


0.72.0 - 2018/06/19
LAV Video

  • Changed: Enabled CineformHD decoding by default, since the decoder has much improved
  • Fixed: Decoding Matroska files with Linked Segments which used old x264 4:4:4 encodes could result in corruption

LAV Audio

  • NEW: Blu-ray Dolby Digital Plus 7.1 decoding and bitstreaming support
  • NEW: LAV Audio will fallback to audio decoding if bitstreaming is not supported by the audio renderer/hardware
  • Fixed: DTS-HD HRA bitstreaming did not work properly with many A/V receivers
  • Fixed: TrueHD bitstreaming could result in drop-outs on high bitrate TrueHD+Atmos streams





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XE1.11.6 Layout1.4.8