질문과 답변

윈 도 우 WebKnight Application Firewall Alert 이거 뭔가요?

2009.12.15 10:34

만쓰별 조회:4733

업체 잘못인지?




제 컴의 방화벽 문제인지....


WebKnight Application Firewall Alert

Your request triggered an alert! If you feel that you have received this page in error, please contact the administrator of this web site.

What is WebKnight?
AQTRONIX WebKnight is an application firewall for web servers and is released under the GNU General Public License. It is an ISAPI filter for securing web servers by blocking certain requests. If an alert is triggered WebKnight will take over and protect the web server.

For more information on WebKnight: https://www.aqtronix.com/WebKnight/







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