유틸리티 Winamp 5.666 Build 3510
2013.11.26 23:58
개선 사항
Changes in Winamp 5.666 Build 3510:
* Improved: [ml_nowplaying/wire] Added support to use alternative services
* Improved: [ml_playlists] Option to use source file instead of database-managed copy
* Fixed: Fallback issue with lang packs when loading accelerator tables
* Fixed: [gen_ff] Docking to bottom/right when windowframe scale is anything but 1.0
* Fixed: [gen_jumpex] Broken ‘Add to Library’ shell menu item
* Fixed: [gen_jumpex] ‘Jump to File’ window not always visible when pressing ‘J’ or ‘F3′
* Fixed: [ml_local] Search filters with unicode characters not being remembered
* Updated: [gen_jumpex] JTFE v1.31
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