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2024.06.04 12:08

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<p>on the whole belong, the possibility of falling ill arises only when there is abstinence. [[232]] and it may be judged from this what an important part in the causation of neuroses may be played by the limitation imposed by civilization [kulturellen]<sup>T</sup>[Kultur]] on the field of accessible satisfactions. Frustration has a pathogenic effect because it dams up libido, and so submits the subject to a test as to how he can tolerate this increase in psychical tension and as to what methods he will adopt for dealing with it. There are only two possibilities for remaining healthy when there is a persistent frustration of satisfaction in the real world. The first is by transforming the psychical tension into active energy which remains directed towards the external world and eventually extorts a real satisfaction of the Libido from it. The second is by renouncing libidinal satisfaction, sublimating the dammed-up Libido and turning it to the attainment of aims which are no longer erotic and which escape frustration. That these two possibilities are realized in men's lives proves that unhappiness does not coincide with neurosis and that frustration does not alone decide whether its victim remains healthy or falls ill. The immediate effect of frustration lies in its bringing into play the dispositional factors which have hitherto been inoperative.</p>

<p>Where these are present and sufficiently strongly developed, there is a risk of the Libido becoming 'introverted'.<sup>1</sup> It turns away from reality, which, owing to the obstinate frustration, has lost its value for the subject, and turns towards the life of phantasy [Phantasieleben]<sup>T</sup>[Phantasie]], in which it creates new wishful structures [Wunschbildungen]<sup>T</sup>[Bildung]] and revives the traces of earlier, forgotten ones. In consequence of the intimate connection between the activity of phantasy and material present in everyone which is infantile and repressed [verdrängten]<sup>T</sup>[Verdrängung]] and has become unconscious, and thanks to the exceptional position enjoyed by the life of phantasy in regard to reality-testing,<sup>2</sup> the Libido may thenceforward move on a backward course; it may follow the path of regression along infantile lines, and strive after aims that correspond with them. If these strivings, which are incompatible with the subject's present-day individuality, acquire enough intensity, a conflict must result between them and the other portion of his personality, which has maintained its relation to reality. This conflict is resolved by the formation of symptoms, and is followed by the onset of manifest illness. [[233]] The fact that the whole process originated from</p>






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