자유 게시판
오피스 2016 원하는 프로그램만 골라 설치하기
2015.09.23 22:23
Right HERE you can download an official, genuine, supported, "the-real-deal", blabla tool from Microsoft which allows you to specify which individual apps are and are not installed.
This app, when installed, gives you 2 files: setup.exe and configuration.xml.
configuration.xml is the tool we're going to edit to customize our install.
Here is an example that I used for my install, which will only install Word, Excel and Powerpoint. The version I choose is x64, but you can use x86 if you want.
You can exclude less or more programs by adding more/less ExcludeApp elements to specify which apps NOT to install.
Now we're going to install it, so make sure you mount or extract your Office iso. You see SourcePath="E:", this should point to where your C2R installation files are. Of course you must make sure the files contain the things you want (architecture, product, language).
Now run the setup.exe that came with the deploy tool.
Wait for the C2R installer to finish and you'll have an Office install with only the components you didn't exclude in the XML file.
You're Office install will be pretty default, so auto update is on, and updates are installed from MS servers etc. If you want to change this and more, have a look here for more documentation for the deploy tool.
This app, when installed, gives you 2 files: setup.exe and configuration.xml.
configuration.xml is the tool we're going to edit to customize our install.
Here is an example that I used for my install, which will only install Word, Excel and Powerpoint. The version I choose is x64, but you can use x86 if you want.
<Configuration> <Add SourcePath="E:\" OfficeClientEdition="64" > <Product ID="O365ProPlusRetail"> <Language ID="en-us" /> <ExcludeApp ID="Access" /> <ExcludeApp ID="Groove" /> <ExcludeApp ID="InfoPath" /> <ExcludeApp ID="Lync" /> <ExcludeApp ID="OneNote" /> <ExcludeApp ID="Outlook" /> <ExcludeApp ID="Publisher" /> <ExcludeApp ID="SharePointDesigner" /> </Product> </Add> </Configuration>
Now we're going to install it, so make sure you mount or extract your Office iso. You see SourcePath="E:", this should point to where your C2R installation files are. Of course you must make sure the files contain the things you want (architecture, product, language).
Now run the setup.exe that came with the deploy tool.
setup.exe /configure configuration.xml
You're Office install will be pretty default, so auto update is on, and updates are installed from MS servers etc. If you want to change this and more, have a look here for more documentation for the deploy tool.
대충 번역기 돌려보니 MS에서 제공하는 도구를 받아서 configuration.xml 파일을 편집하면 된다 이런 내용인 것 같군요. 도구는 본문에 링크가 있군요. 구글링 해보니 https://technet.microsoft.com/ko-kr/library/jj219426.aspx 요런 테크넷 문서 보면 오피스365도 파일을 편집하면 원하는 것만 골라서 설치하는게 가능할지도 모르겠습니다.